Ethical Leadership, the climate crisis and listening to our children and young people
In a recent article Vivienne Porritt and Fee Stagg asked an important question “Can governance be ethical if it is not diverse?” [i] . Now, there are many calls on our attention as governors, many plates to spin and an ever-changing education landscape with which to grapple, but some things are absolutely core to our work and ethical leadership, and all that it entails, is right up there in my opinion. A survey of literature on ethical leadership in education highlights a moral imperative that ethical leadership must be about the ‘ doing’ and not just the ‘saying’. I have written about this before on this blog [ii] , fine words on the website are not enough, and as governing boards we must ensure that we take action to live our vision and values. Indeed, I would argue that much has been done to address the ‘saying’ beginning with legislation such as the Equalities Act (2010) and through the development of the Seven Principles of Public Life , known commonly ...