Time to shine – What the new Ofsted Framework could mean for governance
This week we took part in a pilot inspection for the September 2019 Ofsted Framework. I asked the inspector if I might share any implications for governance, as I saw them, and he was happy for me to do this. So……. here goes! First, this was a challenging day for the school but a day full of professional conversations where we had the opportunity to really showcase what we do. Safeguarding always comes first and was rigorous. The inspector tested what we told him – for example, he checked after 9am to see that a gate in our perimeter fencing had indeed been locked after we told him that this was a routine. He also asked to see evidence that governors checked the single central record – even after Amanda Spielman’s speech saying this was unnecessary. - Carry on governors! Secondly – the real focus of the day From my discussions and observations this was about the school’s culture, leadership, curriculum and a strong emphasis on reading right f...